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Очень! очень приличная "боярка"! Прочёл все семь книг "запоем". Не уступает качеством сюжета ни Демченко Антону, ни Плотников Сергею, ни Ильину Владимиру. Lena Stol - респект за "открытие" талантливого автора!!!

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Влад и мир про Калинин: Блаженный. Князь казачий! (Попаданцы)

Написано на уровне детсада. Великий перерожденец и врун. По мановению руки сотня людей поднимается в воздух, а может и тысячи. В кучу собран казачий уклад вольных и реестровых казаков, княжества и рабы. 16 летний князь командует атаманами казачьего войска. Отпускает за откуп врагов, убивших его родителей. ГГ у меня вызывает чувство гадливости. Автор с ГГ развлекает нас текстами казачьих песен. Одновременно обвиняя казаков

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Косноязычно, неграмотно, примитивно.
Перед прочтением сжечь

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Влад и мир про Ангелов: Эсминцы и коса смерти. Том 1 (Альтернативная история)

Мне не понравился стиль написания - сухой и насквозь казённый. Не люблю книги канцеляристов.

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Patricia Cornwell

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Patricia Cornwell
Born in Miami, Florida, The United States
Website http://www.patriciacornwell.com/

Patricia Cornwell sold her first novel, Postmortem, in 1990 while working as a computer analyst at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Richmond, Virginia. Postmortem, was the first bona fide forensic thriller. It paved the way for an explosion of entertainment featuring in all things forensic across film, television and literature.
Postmortem would go on to win the Edgar, Creasey, Anthony, and Macavity awards as well as the French Prix du Roman d’Aventure prize – the first book ever to claim all these distinctions in a single year. To date, Cornwell’s books have sold some 100 million copies in thirty-six languages in over 120 countries. She’s authored twenty-nine New York Times bestsellers.
Patricia’s novels center primarily on medical examiner Kay Scarpetta along with her tech-savvy niece Lucy and fellow investigator Pete Marino. Celebrating 25 years, these characters have grown into an international phenomenon, winning Cornwell the Sherlock Award for best detective created by an American author, the Gold Dagger Award, the RBA Thriller Award, and the Medal of Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters for her contributions to literary and artistic development.
Fox 2000 bought the rights to Kay Scarpetta. Working with producer Liz Friedman, Marvel’s Jessica Jones and fellow Marvel EP and Twilight Saga scribe Melissa Rosenberg to develop the film and find Scarpetta a home on the big screen.
After earning her degree in English from Davidson College in 1979, she began working at the Charlotte Observer.
Cornwell received widespread attention and praise for her series of articles on prostitution and crime in downtown Charlotte. From the Charlotte Observer, Cornwell moved to a job with the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Virginia – a post she would later bestow upon the fictional Kay Scarpetta.
When not writing from her Boston home, Patricia tirelessly researches cutting-edge forensic technologies to include in her work. Her interests span outside the literary: Patricia co-founded of the Conservation Scientist Chair at the Harvard University Art Museums. She appears as a forensic consultant on CNN and serves as a member of Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital’s National Council, where she advocates for psychiatric research. She’s helped fund the ICU at Cornell’s Animal Hospital, the scientific study of a Confederate submarine, the archaeological excavation of Jamestown, and a variety of law enforcement charities. Patricia is also committed to funding scholarships and literacy programs. Her advice to aspiring authors: “Start writing. And don’t take no for an answer.”

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kay scarpetta
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